
Immigration Inspection 入境審查

A What’s the purpose of your visit?

B Sightseeing.

A How long are you going to stay in the United States?

B For seven days.

A Where will you be staying?

B I’ll stay at the Hilton Hotel.

A Do you have your return ticket?

B Yes. Here it is.

A 你來此的目的是什麼?

B 觀光。

A 你打算在美國停留多久?

B 七天。

A 你要住在哪裡?

B 我住希爾頓大飯店。

A 你有 ...


Finding the Seat 找位子

A Where is my seat?

B Your seat number is 16A. Down this aisle, to your right.

A Thank you.

A Excuse me, but I think you’re sitting in my seat.What’s your seat number?

CIt’s 17A. Oh, I’m sorry. I made a mistake.

A Don’t worry about it.

A 請問我的位子在哪裡?

B 你的位子是16A,這邊的走道直走,在你右手邊的地方。

A 謝謝。

A 不好意思,你坐的這個位子 ...


★Confirm Reservation 確認訂位

A Hello. I’d like to confirm my reservation. My name is Anne Lin.

B What’s your name again, please?

A L-I-N, Lin.

B I see. What’s your flight number?

A I’m on Flight 724 to London on October 31.

B Hold on, please . . . Yes, Flight 724 for London, departing on October 31, is confirmed.


B 麻煩您再說一次您的姓 ...




※ 本文節錄自《日語美食王【二版】(20K+1MP3)


[講堂] 日本人用筷的忌諱

[講堂] 請給我一份…

[講堂] 好吃的壽司


Direct language 直接用語

★ significant/significance 重要的/重要性

1. I want to emphasize how significant this point is.


2. I can’t stress the significance of this point enough.


★ important 重要的

1. Let me emphasize how important this point will be in the future.


★ insignificant 不重要的

1. I&rs ...


such as

1. Our science class is studying crustaceans, such as shrimps, crabs, and lobsters.


2. Products made from paper such as a lunch box and a newspaper can be recycled.




1. Precious stones, like rubies and diamonds, cannot be cut with a knife or scratched with glass.

寶石,像紅寶石和鑽石,是 ...






[講堂] 興趣

[講堂] 各式運動

[講堂] 飲料打翻了


【美式】【英式】Food in Shanghai is quite different from that in Chengdu.

【美式】【非正式】Food in Shanghai is quite different than that in Chengdu.

【英式】【非正式】Food in Shanghai is quite different to that in Chengdu.



在正式用語、商務用語、考試中,請用different from

‧ Sid and his identical twin brother, Trent, are very different from each other.

(席德與他的 ...


✘ Reports in the medias say she is a poor girl from India.

✔ Reports in the media say she is a poor girl from India.

→指「新聞界」,用 the media,不用the medias



1. the media當集合名詞,與其他集合名詞一樣,根據其含意,既可以接複數動詞,也可以接單數動詞。注意不要用 medias。


2. the media指組成通訊業和形成傳播媒介職業的新聞工作者等團體(the aggr ...