


• ad () 廣告
The ad for new shoes interested me.

• add () 加總
I can add up the numbers that you require.


• aisle () 走道
He proudly escorted the bride down the aisle.

• I'll 我將會(I will 的縮寫)
I'll go to the movies with you.

•  isle ()

Oh, what adventures they had on Gilligan's Isle.


•  ate () 吃(eat的過去式)
We ate our dinner by candlelight.

•  eight ()
The number eight has some strange connotations.


•  bare () 使赤裸
Dare you bare your head to the blazing sun?

•  bear () 忍受
I cannot bear that awful noise.

•  bear ()
The grizzly bear was extremely menacing.


•  berry () 漿果
A freshly picked berry is a fine summer treat.

•  bury () 埋、隱藏
Bury the evidence quickly!


•  blew () 吹(blow的過去式)
The winds blew ferociously.

•  blue () 藍色
The color blue is my favorite.


•  board () 木板
The rotting, wooden board split in two.

•  board () 上(飛機、火車、船)
All passengers may now board the airliner.

•  bored () 感到無聊的
The bored child turned the television off and went outside.





[講堂] 廚師的英文原來不是Cooker?

[講堂] 容易用錯的所有格和縮寫

[講堂] 「屬於我」英文用belong in me 或belong to me?