

A:  Excuse me. I’d like to go to the Bronx Zoo, but what’s the best way to get there?

B:  Let me see. You can take a bus, but the quickest way is to take the subway from here.

A:  Where is the nearest subway station?

B:  You can see Manhattan Station over there. The zoo is about a 10-minute walk from the East Tremont Avenue station.

A:  You have been a great help. Thank you for your kindness.

A:  不好意思,我要去布隆克斯動物園,請問要怎麼去最快呢?

B:  嗯,你可以搭公車去,但是最快的方法是搭地鐵。

A:  那最近的地鐵車站在哪裡?

B:  就在那邊,那是曼哈頓站。到了東崔蒙大道站,下車再走10分鐘左右就到動物園了。

A:  你幫了我大忙,謝謝你。


Study Points

1  What’s the best way to . . .?



2  You can take a bus.


*take +交通工具,指搭乘

3  Where is the nearest . . .?



4  10-minute walk

10 分鐘的走路路程

*walk 在這裡做名詞用。





[講堂] 可以告訴我觀光詢問處怎麼走嗎?

[講堂] 遺失東西

[講堂] 線上預訂租車
