✘ Reports in the medias say she is a poor girl from India.

✔ Reports in the media say she is a poor girl from India.

→指「新聞界」,用 the media,不用the medias



1. the media當集合名詞,與其他集合名詞一樣,根據其含意,既可以接複數動詞,也可以接單數動詞。注意不要用 medias。


2. the media指組成通訊業和形成傳播媒介職業的新聞工作者等團體(the aggregate of journalists and broadcasters),相當於新聞界(the press。這種含意的 media 通常被看成是單數,在句中作主詞用時,動詞用單數

‧ Lori says the media has shown a huge interest in covering that UFO story.

= the press,用單數動詞 has



3. the media也指各種大眾傳播媒介(all the means of communication),比如報紙、雜誌、電臺、電視以及網際網路。the media在句中作主詞時,傳統文法用複數動詞,但現在傾向於用單數動詞

傳統:Have the media, especially the Internet, scared Maria?

現代:Has the media, especially the Internet, scared Maria?



4. media傳統上是medium的複數形式,只能接複數動詞。然而語言是不斷變化的,media 這個傳統的複數字現在越來越常用,並且常被看成是單數。(注意:單數medium指「媒介、手段」時,不能用作集合名詞表示「新聞界、媒體」。)

‧ The Internet is an important medium of mass communication for every nation. 正式

= The Internet is an important media of mass communication for every nation. 非正式



※ 本文節錄自《Don't Say It! 600個你一定會錯的英文(20K彩色版)


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