J: Let's talk about compensation. What kind of salary are you hoping for?
T: Well, I'd like to be earning a salary that reflects the current standard for my position.
J: And that is...?
T: 32,000 to 39,000 US dollars per year.
J: Right. That sounds like a reasonable range. Now, I see that at your current position you're making 34,000 US dollars per year. Would you consider that a reasonable salary?
好,聽起來在合理範圍內。我知道你目前的工作一年是34,000 美金,你認為這是合理薪資嗎?
T: I would really be hoping for an increase, based on my previous performance and on the responsibilities in this position.
J: I've got to tell you, our base rate for this position is 33,000. I could try for more, but you've got to tell me what it will take to bring you onboard.
我必須跟您說,我們這個職位的基本薪資是33,000 美金。我可以替您爭取加薪,不過您要先告訴我,要有什麼條件您才會接受這個職位。
T: I guess I've got to ask for more than 34,000. But if the salary is going to become a sticking point, maybe we can talk about adding benefits.
我想我要有34,000 美金以上才行,不過要是薪水成為癥結點,或許可以談談多一點的福利。