● 連接詞是用來連接兩個詞彙、兩個片語或兩個句子的詞。
常見包含:and, but, ,or, so, because, when, if, before, after

● and、but 和 or 可用來連接句中個別的部分,and 是用來連接「同類型」的字。
My grandmother has two cats and two dogs.
We have salty and sweet bread.

● but 用來表達「相反的概念」。
I went to his office, but he wasn't there.
I tried to call him, but his voice mail kept picking up the call.

● or 用來表達「多者擇一」的可能性。
We could go on a vacation to Hong Kong or Macau.
Are you married or single?

● because 用來描述「原因」,常連接子句。表示原因的子句會放在 because 後面。
I can't go because my wife won't let me.
I can go because my wife is out of town.

● so 用來描述「結果或目的」,也是連接子句。表示結果或目的的子句會放在 so 的後面。
The meeting is cancelled, so you don't have to go now.
They want to meet you right now, so you have to come as soon as you can.

※ 本文節錄自《彩圖初級英文文法Let's See!【三版】(彩色16K+解答別冊)》
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[介紹] 英文簡單學 – 對等連接詞