
▪ I'd like to check in.
▪ I'd like to drop off my bags.
▪ I'd like to get my boarding pass.

▪ Your suitcase exceeds the weight limit
▪ Your suitcase is overweight by two kilograms.

▪ Is there an extra charge for overweight luggage?
▪ Is there an extra fee for overweight luggage?
▪ Is there an extra surcharge for overweight luggage?

▶ Navigating the Airport 指引機場裡的方向
A: There seems to be a mistake on my boarding pass.
B: Head to your airline’s service counter. It's near where you checked in.

A: 我的登機證似乎有錯。
B: 到您的航空公司服務櫃台去,它在您的報到櫃台附近。

▶ Liquid Restrictions 液體的限制
A: The bottle I purchased at duty-free is over 100 milliliters.
B: Don't worry. Just make sure it's in a sealed plastic bag.

A: 我在免稅商店買的瓶子超過100 ml。
B: 別擔心。只要確認它裝在密封的塑膠袋裡。

※ 本文節錄自專業觀光餐旅英語會話:打造金獎服務
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