
作 者: Karen Thomas / Lucy Becker / Carol Frain
譯 者: 劉嘉珮
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2020-12-04
ISBN : 9789863189503
書 號: C0250-0811
書 系: 英語文法
  • 定價: NT$ 690
    優惠價: NT$ 545

文法解說 + 即刻練習 + 文法解說 + 即刻練習
→ 循環式學習法打造文法活用力!


•  21單元解說最核心的文法要點,由淺入深循序漸進

• FAQ解說英語學習者常見盲點,一問一答有效解惑
每單元穿插FAQ文法常見疑難雜症,以輕鬆的問答形式,解答英語學習者常有的疑問,如為何可說「three coffees」、為何是「on the farm」而不是「in the farm」、為何是說「I was born」等,徹底辨析學習者常犯的文法錯誤。

• 海量文法習題,兼具打鐵趁熱、溫故知新的效果
文法重點分階段講解後,立刻分別穿插習題,現學現用,文法自然學起來。每單元後另設計一回Round Up單元複習,內含約10大題的題目,加上每三單元後一回約八大題的Revision and Exams總複習,及一回含40題選擇題的Self Check自我測驗。豐富的練習題讓讀者越寫越上手,真正熟練文法。

• 習題題型多變,難度分級,有助讀者活用文法、循序漸進能力升級

• 表格+心智圖重點整理,圖像記憶學習更簡單

• 豐富附錄補充文法知識,全方位鞏固文法實力


• 每單元分4課教學重點。
• 文法解說列點呈現,更清楚好懂。
• 文法解說下穿插題型多變的練習題目,難度由淺入深,以‧(最易)到‧‧‧‧(最難)表示。
• 「延伸補充」介紹課文文法相關的進階知識。
• 「!」標示出錯機率高的要點,幫助讀者避免犯錯。
• 「FAQ」以問答方式,解說文法常見疑難雜症,有助加深印象
• 「Focus」說明相較其他語言,英文文法裡特別的規則,更加釐清文法觀念
• 每單元後設計一回Round Up單元複習,每三單元後一回約八大題的Revision and Exams總複習,及一回Self Check自我測驗,豐富的練習題讓讀者越寫越上手。

CEFR A2–B2/TOEIC 225–785/GEPT 初級–中高級 Elementary–Intermediate

Unit 1 名詞和冠詞 Nouns and Articles
1 規則和不規則複數名詞 Regular and irregular plural nouns
2 可數名詞和不可數名詞 Countable and uncountable nouns
3 不定冠詞a/an The indefinite article a/an
4 定冠詞the The definite article the
Round Up 1

Unit 2 人稱代名詞和be動詞 Personal Pronouns and Verb Be
1 主格代名詞 Subject pronouns
2 be動詞 Verb be
3 There is / There are用法There is / There are
4 疑問詞 Question words
Round Up 2
Round Up 1
Unit 3 形容詞 Adjectives
1 指示形容詞:this、that、these、those Demonstratives: this/that/these/those
2 some、any、no、none用法 Some/any/no/none
3 性狀形容詞/國籍形容詞/形容詞在句中位置的順序 Qualifying adjectives and adjectives of nationality; order of adjectives
4 數字和日期 Numbers and dates
Round Up 3
Revision and Exams 1
Towards Competences / Self Check 1
Unit 4 動詞have和所有格 Verb Have and Possessives
1 動詞have:肯定句 Verb have – positive form
2 動詞have:否定句和疑問句 Verb have – negative and interrogative forms
3 所有格形容詞/所有格代名詞 Possessive adjectives and pronouns
4 Whose疑問詞與所有格 Interrogative whose and the possessive case
Round Up 4

Unit 5 祈使句/簡單現在式/頻率副詞/時間用語/受格代名詞/連接詞 Imperatives, Present Simple, Adverbs of Frequency, Time Expressions, Object Pronouns, Connectors
1 祈使句 The imperative
2 簡單現在式 Present simple
3 頻率副詞/時間用語 Adverbs of frequency and expressions of time
4 受格代名詞/部分連接詞 Object pronouns and some conjunctions
Round Up 5

Unit 6 動詞ing與現在進行式 V–ing Form and Present Continuous
1 動詞ing V-ing form
2 現在進行式 Present continuous
3 現在進行式 vs. 簡單現在式 Present continuous vs. present simple
4 動詞ing與不定詞 V-ing and verbs + infinitive
Round Up 6
Revision and Exams 2
Towards Competences / Self Check 2

Unit 7 介系詞 Prepositions
1 表達時間的介系詞 Prepositions of time
2 表達地點的介系詞 Prepositions of place
3 其他介系詞/有兩個受詞的動詞 Other prepositions; verbs with two objects
4 後接介系詞的形容詞與動詞 Adjectives and verbs followed by prepositions
Round Up 7

Unit 8 簡單過去式和過去進行式 Past Simple and Past Continuous
1 簡單過去式:be動詞 Verb be – past simple
2 簡單過去式:規則動詞和不規則動詞 Regular and irregular verbs – past simple
3 簡單過去式/時間用語與順序/used to的用法 Uses of the past simple, time expressions and time sequencing, used to...
4 過去進行式/以When與While構成的時間子句 Past continuous, time clauses with When/While
Round Up 8

Unit 9 現在完成式和過去完成式 Present Perfect and Past Perfect
1 簡單現在完成式:ever、never、recently、today等 Present perfect simple: ever, never, recently, today…
2 簡單現在完成式:just、already、yet等/現在完成式 vs. 簡單過去式 Present perfect simple: just, already, yet… ; present perfect vs. past simple
3 簡單現在完成式/現在完成進行式/How long問句/for與since用法 Present perfect simple and continuous; How long…?; for/since…
4 簡單過去完成式/過去完成進行式 Past perfect simple and continuous
Round Up 9
Revision and Exams 3
Towards Competences / Self Check 3

Unit 10 副詞和量詞 Adverbs and Quantifiers
1 情態副詞與其他副詞 Adverbs of manner and other adverbs
2 程度副詞 Adverbs of degree
3 表達大量的不定形容詞與代名詞 Indefinite adjectives and pronouns to express large quantities
4 表達少量的不定形容詞與代名詞 Indefinite adjectives and pronouns to express small quantities
Round Up 10

Unit 11 各種比較程級 Comparisons
1 比較級形容詞 Comparative adjectives
2 less +形容詞+than和not as+形容詞+as的比較級用法 Comparative structures using less … than and not as … as with adjectives
3 最高級形容詞 Superlative adjectives
4 副詞的比較級和最高級/修飾名詞數量和動詞程度的比較級 Comparative and superlative of adverbs, comparatives with nouns and verbs
Round Up 11

Unit 12 形容詞和代名詞 Adjectives and Pronouns
1 以some、any和no構成的不定代名詞 Indefinite pronouns made with some, any and no
2 分配形容詞與代名詞both、most、all、everybody、everything等 Distributive adjectives and pronouns; both, most, all; everybody, everything.
3 相互代名詞each other與one another/相關連接詞both . . . and . . . 與either . . . or . . ./結合ever的複合單詞 Reciprocal pronouns: each other / one another; correlative conjunctions: both… and… / either… or…; compound words with –ever
4 反身代名詞/one/ones用法 Reflexive pronouns; one, ones
Round Up 12
Revision and Exams 4
Towards Competences / Self Check 4

Unit 13 表達能力、可能性與意願的情態助動詞 Modal Verbs to Express Ability, Possibility and Volition
1 情態助動詞的特性/情態助動詞can/could與表達相似概念的動詞 Characteristics of modal verbs; can/could and verbs that express similar concepts
2 情態助動詞may/might Modal verb may/might
3 情態助動詞will/would/動詞want和wish Modal verb will/would; verbs want and wish
4 條件句:would like、would prefer、would rather Conditional forms would like, would prefer, would rather
Round Up 13

Unit 14 表達義務和必要性的情態助動詞 Modal Verbs to Express Obligation And Necessity
1 情態助動詞must和動詞have to用法 Modal verb must and verb have to
Need to / don’t need to / needn’t 用法/be to用法Need to / don’t need to / needn’t; be to . . .
2 Shall/should用法/ought to用法/had better用法 Shall/should; ought to; had better . . .
3 Be obliged/compelled/forced to/be due/be bound to/動詞owe用法
Be obliged/compelled/forced to; be due; be bound to; verb owe
Round Up 14

Unit 15 未來式 The Future
1 各種未來式/現在進行式與簡單現在式表達未來 Different types of future tenses; the future with the present continuous and the present simple
2 going to未來式 The future with going to
3 will未來式 The future with will
4 未來進行式/未來完成式 Future continuous; future perfect
Round Up 15
Revision and Exams 5
Towards Competences / Self Check 5

Unit 16 條件句和if子句 Conditional Sentences and If– Clauses
1 現在式和過去式的條件句 Present and past conditionals
2 第0類與第1類條件句 Type 0 and Type 1 conditional sentences
3 第2類與第3類條件句 Type 2 and Type 3 conditional sentences
4 在條件句運用情態助動詞 Use of modal verbs in conditional sentences
Round Up 16

Unit 17 被動語態 Passive Forms
1 現在式被動語態 The present passive
2 過去式被動語態 The past passive
3 未來式的被動語態/搭配情態助動詞的被動語態 The passive form in the future and with modal verbs
4 人稱與非人稱的被動語態/have/get something done用法 Personal and impersonal passive form; have/get something done
Round Up 17

Unit 18 關係子句 Relative Clauses
1 限定關係子句裡的關係代名詞 Relative pronouns in defining relative clauses
2 非限定關係子句裡的關係代名詞 Relative pronouns in non-defining relative clauses
3 其他關係代名詞和副詞:what、all that、where、when等 Other relative pronouns and adverbs: what, all that, where, when…
4 以現在分詞或過去分詞所表達的關係子句/感官動詞 Relative clauses expressed by the present or past participle; verbs of perception
Round Up 18
Revision and Exams 6
Towards Competences / Self Check 6

Unit 19 直接敘述句和轉述句 Direct Speech and Reported Speech19
1 動詞say和tell的用法 Verbs say and tell
2 轉述句:下達命令、表達至今仍屬實的說辭 Indirect speech: giving orders and expressing statements in the present that are still true
3 轉述句:表達過去屬實的說辭 Indirect speech: statements that were true in the past
4 轉述句:問句 Reported speech: questions
Round Up 19

Unit 20 連接子句 Connecting Clauses
1 反義子句/讓步子句 Adversative and concessive clauses
2 原因子句/連續子句/目的子句 Reason, consecutive and purpose clauses
3 時間子句/順序副詞/建立論點的連接副詞 Time clauses; sequencing adverbs; linking words to build an argument
4 其他連接詞/使役動詞 Other conjunctions; causative verbs
Round Up 20

Unit 21 語序/片語動詞/構詞方法 Word Order, Phrasal Verbs, Word Formation
1 肯定句和否定句的語序/動詞和主詞的倒裝用法 Word order in positive and negative sentences; inversion of verb and subject
2 問句和簡答句/附加問句/So do I與Neither do I用法 Questions and short answers; question tags; So do I / Neither do I
3 構詞方法/字首和字尾 Word formation; prefixes and suffixes
4 片語動詞 Phrasal verbs
Round Up 21
Revision and Exams 7
Towards Competences / Self Check 7

圖解文法Visual Grammar
圖解文法答案Visual Grammar Answer

Answer Keys



Karen Thomas

曾任教學培訓師,擁有30年以上的英語教學經驗。撰寫許多小學、中學教材,合著有Top GrammarTop Grammar Plus等書(均由Helbling出版)。

Lucy Becker

文法教學專家,教學對象含青少年與成人。興趣為教學商用與旅遊英語,合著有Business EssentialsTourism Essentials(均由Helbling出版)。



2004年跨入英翻中全職筆譯的領域。翻譯經驗包括歐美系美妝保養大廠、旅遊、時裝精品、3C電子、文化藝術、食品、親子育嬰、醫藥生技保健等網站、各類文件與影片字幕,並譯有《愛上10堂美容美體英文課》、《英語閱讀技巧完全攻略》系列、《In Focus英語閱讀》系列等書。

作 者: Karen Thomas / Lucy Becker / Carol Frain
譯 者: 劉嘉珮
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2020-12-04
ISBN : 9789863189503
書 號: C0250-0811
書 系: 英語文法
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21*28cm)
條 碼: 9789863189503
印 刷: 雙色
頁 數: 480


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