
English Now! 1 : Listening and Speaking in Everyday Life (2nd Ed., With iCosmos Audio APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Owain Mckimm
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2022-08-25
ISBN : 9786263000704
書 號: C4703-0824
書 系: Listening and Speaking
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
試讀     試聽    
  • 定價: NT$ 495
    優惠價: NT$ 446


ENJOY learning!
EMPLOY new language!
EMPOWER your English!

English Now! 是一套全方位的聽力與口說英語學習教材,透過有系統的規劃與引導,致力幫助讀者有效率地精通英語聽力與口語能力。
English Now! 1(初級)囊括日常生活中最常見的主題,針對各式主題補充大量的基礎字彙、句型及文法,透過精心設計的有趣活動練習,增進英語聽力與口語能力,並強化溝通自信,幫助學生在全英語場合中輕鬆無礙地恣意溝通。


  程度  高中字彙
Book 1 初級  Basic 1~4級
Book 2 初中級 Pre-Intermediate 1~5級
Book 3 中級 Intermediate 1~6級


1. Topic Preview 主題預覽
2. Vocabulary & Phrases 單字與句型
3. Now, Time to Listen! 聽力
4. Now, Grammar Time! 文法
5. Now, Time to Speak! 會話
6. Now, Time to Pronounce! 發音

English Now! is a comprehensive program that helps English learners effectively enhance their listening comprehension and speaking skills.
English Now! 1 features a variety of real-life-oriented themes. The basic level covers practical topics that students are likely to encounter in their daily lives, helping beginners gain confidence and communicate successfully in everyday situations.

Each unit consists of:
1. Topic Preview: Each unit begins with short conversations that give the topic an overall introduction.
2. Vocabulary & Phrases: We provide the students with an abundant list of useful keywords and sentence structures that are most relevant to the topic.
3. Now, Time to Listen!: These dialogues and short talks accurately reflect typical, day-to-day encounters. The audio tracks, recorded by native speakers, familiarize students with authentic spoken English, while abundant illustrations make the learning process even more appealing!
4. Now, Grammar Time!: Clear charts and creative exercises help students apply grammar with ease and use it in communicative contexts.
5. Now, Time to Speak!: Task-based classroom activities motivate students to participate and communicate using English in various realistic scenarios. Simple models and easy-to-follow sample scripts make speaking stress-free and fun.
6. Now, Time to Pronounce!: This basic level introduces the difference between voiced and voiceless consonants. Also, students are given some initial ideas of intonation.


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CEFR A2–B1/TOEIC 225–550/GEPT 初中級 low Intermediate


1. Greetings
2. Meeting and Introducing People
3. Talking About Families and Your Home
4. Describing People
5. Saying Good-bye, Thanks, and Congratulations
6. Expressing How You Feel
7. Asking What Time and Day It Is
8. The Weather
9. Activities
10. Sports
11. Identifying and Describing Objects
12. Apologizing
13. Asking for and Giving Directions
14. Asking for and Giving Instructions
15. Suggestions and Advice
16. Festivals, Holidays, and Customs Around the World


Owain Mckimm

Owain Mckimm is a University of Cambridge graduate who has been working in Taiwan since 2009. He has taught English to learners of all ages and levels, and is also a freelance writer. He has written for numerous publications in Taiwan, including travel and culture magazines, English teaching magazines, books, and webzines.

英國劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)英文學系學士,在臺灣工作超過10年。曾任英文老師,同時也是一位自由作家,撰寫過無數出版品,包括旅遊與文化雜誌、英語教學雜誌與書籍、網路雜誌等。目前為專職英語教材作者。

作 者: Owain Mckimm
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2022-08-25
ISBN : 9786263000704
書 號: C4703-0824
書 系: Listening and Speaking
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21.5*28.5 cm)
條 碼: 9786263000704
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 144
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.


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