English for Hotels and Restaurants(Second Edition)〔菊8開+1CD〕(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Robert Majure / Jess Martin
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2013-08-19
ISBN : 9789863181224
書 號: C39150801
書 系: Hospitality English
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
  • 定價: NT$ 500
    優惠價: NT$ 450



◆ 訂位
◆ 帶位
◆ 各類餐飲
◆ 抱怨處裡
◆ 結帳

◆ 訂房
◆ 登記入住
◆ 引領房客
◆ 客房服務
◆ 退房

◆ 實用對話:以實際的對話闡明主題,幫助融入情境
◆ 課堂練習:各種活潑的角色扮演練習,訓練口語能力並激發學習興趣
◆ 彩圖資訊說明:以文字結合圖解來輔助說明主題,能透徹理解與加強記憶
◆ 必備用語與字彙:條列實用句型與字彙
◆ 單元測驗:包含聽力、填空、圖解與文法題型,聽說讀寫一網打盡
◆ CD:收錄各單元對話與聽力測驗,熟悉發音

English for Hotels and Restaurants is designed for the purpose of training college students that are taking catering and hospitality courses or for those who are in this service industry and want to continue with their training.
The subjects are divided into Restaurants (Part I) and Hotels (Part II) and arranged by the service procedures, which allow you to learn step by step and strengthen your practical skills.

Contents and Features
Pair Work
Practical Illustrations
Expressions and Words
With Audio CD

Unit 01 Western Breakfast.
Unit 02 Breakfast Buffet.
Unit 03 A Breakfast Dialog
Unit 04 Chinese Breakfast
Unit 05 Taking Restaurant Bookings
Unit 06 Seating Guests
Unit 07 Cocktails
Unit 08 Beer
Unit 09 Whiskey
Unit 10 Wines
Unit 11 Aperitifs
Unit 12 Champagne
Unit 13 Liqueur, Brandy, Port, Madeira, and Sherry
Unit 14 Ordering Salads, Hors d'oeuvre and Soups
Unit 15 Ordering Main Course
Unit 16 French menu
Unit 17 Deserts and Cheese
Unit 18 Ordering Chinese Dishes
Unit 19 Dealing With Complaints and Requests
Unit 20 Paying Bills
Unit 21 Taking Room Reservations
Unit 22 Checking In
Unit 23 The Bellboy Shows the Guest His Room
Unit 24 Room Service
Unit 25 Checking Out

作 者: Robert Majure / Jess Martin
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2013-08-19
ISBN : 9789863181224
書 號: C39150801
書 系: Hospitality English
裝 訂: 平裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21.5*30cm)
條 碼: 9789863181224
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 136
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.


寂天閱讀網 - 圖書目錄


  • 定價: NT$ 460
    優惠價: NT$ 391