Essential Restaurant English Book 2(16K彩圖+1CD)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Yen-Yu Chen / Marie Szamborski
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2011-08-18
ISBN : 9789861849096
書 號: C44101601
書 系: ESP 專業英文
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
  • 定價: NT$ 380
    優惠價: NT$ 323





Essential Restaurant English Book 1 & 2 are textbooks written for students studying cooking and restaurant management. They are specially designed for those who want to enter the hospitality industry.
The two books consist of 15 units that introduce practical English that you can use every day in a restaurant. By reading through the book, you will not only enrich your vocabulary but deepen your understanding of English in the service industry.
Each unit is divided into four parts: Vocabulary, Sentences, More Expressions, and an Exercise.

Basic Features:
There are more than 20-25 subject-related colored illustrations in each unit to help improve your comprehension of the material.
Learn the essential restaurant vocabulary words and their usage through simple and useful sentences.
Get familiar with common restaurant expressions for various situations by studying the “More Expressions” section.
Deepen your knowledge related to the restaurant service by doing each “Exercise” section.

Book 1
Unit 1 Taking Reservations
Unit 2 Seating Guests
Unit 3 Table Setting and Kitchen Safety
Unit 4 Taking Orders and Explaining the Menu
Unit 5 Paying the Bill
Unit 6 Dealing with Complaints and Request
Unit 7 Applying for Catering Jobs

Book 2
Unit 8 Ordering Salads and Hors d’oeuvres
Unit 9 Ordering Soup, Dessert, and Drinks
Unit 10 Ordering Chinese Dishes(1)
Unit 11 Ordering Chinese Dishes(2)
Unit 12 Ordering Western Cuisine(1)
Unit 13 Ordering Western Cuisine(2)
Unit 14 Ordering Japanese Cuisine(1)
Unit 15 Ordering Japanese Cuisine(2)


Yen-Yu Chen

美國西北理工大學(Northwestern Polytechnic University)博士班。

Marie Szamborski


作 者: Yen-Yu Chen / Marie Szamborski
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2011-08-18
ISBN : 9789861849096
書 號: C44101601
書 系: ESP 專業英文
裝 訂: 平裝
尺 寸: 16K (19*26cm)
條 碼: 9789861849096
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 120
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.


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