MICE English: Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions, and Exhibitions (Second Edition) (菊8K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Yu-Miao Yang / Po-Ting Fang, Grace / I-Lin Fu / Ching-Yi Tien(田靜誼)
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-03-09
ISBN : 9789863189831
書 號: C4404-0824
書 系: ESP 專業英文
試讀     試聽    
  • 定價: NT$ 500
    優惠價: NT$ 450


MICE English 專為商務相關科系學生、應用英語科系學生打造,提供會議參展、飯店旅行等實境應對訓練,打造職場即戰英語溝通力。
本書含四大單元:Meetings內部會議、Incentive Travel飯店旅務、Conventions國際大會,與Exhibitions商業展覽


Cultural corner學習視窗:
Learn to Use Words Smartly重要詞彙:
Activity & Project Activity練習活動:
關鍵情境與重要詞彙皆有專業外師錄製音檔,搭配QR code掃描聽取,讀者能隨時隨地收聽,增強英語聽力與口說能力。

MICE English is designed for students studying business, management, or applied English, as well as active business people who are interested in improving their business English skills.
The book is divided into four units: Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions, and Exhibitions. Each unit contains three chapters that address more specific aspects of the topic, ensuring an in-depth and comprehensive learning experience.
With this book, you will acquire business-related knowledge, practice realistic dialogs, learn and retain important terms and phrases, and gain confidence using English in a wide range of professional situations.

Main Features:
Overviews that serve as warm-ups to help ease you into each business scenario
Cultural corners that provide insight into topics such as intercultural communication, tipping customs, types of presentation, and so on
Key dialogs based on real life that immerse you into the world of business English
Essential vocabulary terms and phrases that are clearly explained and demonstrated in short conversations
Guided activities after each chapter and group project activities after each unit for thorough practice and efficient self-examination
MP3 recordings for dialog and vocabulary sections to help boost your listening skills



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Unit 1 Meetings
Chapter 1 Pre-meeting Communication
Chapter 2 Planning and Managing Meetings
Chapter 3 Interpreter Training and Services
Chapter 4 Post-Meeting Activity
Project Activity

Unit 2 Incentive Travel
Chapter 5 Planning a Journey
Chapter 6 Welcoming
Chapter 7 Services
Chapter 8 Transportation
Project Activity

Unit 3 Conventions
Chapter 9 Pre-Convention Communication
Chapter 10 Organizing or Making a Presentation at a Convention
Chapter 11 Convention Training and Services
Chapter 12 Post-Convention Activity
Project Activity

Unit 4 Exhibitions
Chapter 13 Pre-Exhibition Communication
Chapter 14 Presentation at an Exhibition
Chapter 15 Exhibition Training and Service
Chapter 16 Post-Exhibition Activities
Project Activity

Appendix: Organizing an Exhibition Project
Answer Keys


Yu-Miao Yang


Po-Ting Fang, Grace


I-Lin Fu


Ching-Yi Tien(田靜誼)

於英國萊斯特大學取得應用語言學以及TESOL的博士學位,教授過的學生年齡層橫跨3歲到60歲以上。曾致力於參與教師訓練計畫、大規模專案,也曾在國際研討會上演講。目前任教於台灣義守大學的應用英語學系,曾寫過許多EFL教科書,如Office Talk: Workplace English VocabularyEnglish for Health and Medical CareKET for School Preparation,以及MICE English: Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions, and Exhibitions等。

Ching-Yi Tien received her PhD degree in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from the University of Leicester, UK. Over the past eighteen years, she has worked with different student age groups, ranging from 3 years old up to 60 and plus. She was actively engaged in teacher training programs, large-scale projects and presented at the international conferences. She is currently teaching in the Department of Applied English at I-Shou University, Taiwan. She has written several EFL textbooks, such as Office Talk: Workplace English Vocabulary, English for Health and Medical Care, KET for School Preparation, and MICE English: Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions, and Exhibitions.

作 者: Yu-Miao Yang / Po-Ting Fang, Grace / I-Lin Fu / Ching-Yi Tien(田靜誼)
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-03-09
ISBN : 9789863189831
書 號: C4404-0824
書 系: ESP 專業英文
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 菊8K 21.5 x 28.5 x 0.5 cm
條 碼: 9789863189831
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 112


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  • 定價: NT$ 600
    優惠價: NT$ 510