秘密花園 The Secret Garden【Grade 3】(25K軟皮精裝+1CD)

作 者: Frances Hodgson Burnett(法蘭西斯.霍森.伯內特)
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2014-07-07
ISBN : 9789863182528
書 號: C24172502
書 系: Let's Enjoy Masterpieces
  • 定價: NT$ 280
    優惠價: NT$ 238



Let's Enjoy Masterpieces!


「Let’s Enjoy Masterpieces!」是為增進英語學習者的英語閱讀與聽力,而所精心改寫的一套文學改編著作,全系列共33冊,分為初級至中高級共5級,供不同程度的學習者閱讀。本系列讀本內容皆改編自世界著名的經典名著,讓讀者在練習增進閱讀能力的同時,也能擴展閱讀視野。故事簡短,全書穿插彩色插圖,編排清楚,極適合自修或課堂上使用。



This series of Let’s Enjoy Masterpieces are a special reading comprehension booster program, devised to improve reading comprehension for beginners whose command of English is not satisfactory, or who are elementary, middle, and high school students. With this program, you can enjoy reading masterpieces in English with fun and efficiency.
This carefully planned program is composed of 5 levels, from the beginner level of 350 words to the intermediate and advanced levels of 1,000 words. With this program’s level-by-level system, you are able to read famous texts in English and to savor the true pleasure of the world’s language.
The program is well conceived, composed of reader-friendly explanations of English expressions and grammar, quizzes to help the student learn vocabulary and understand the meaning of the texts, and fabulous illustrations that adorn every page. In addition, with our “Guide to Listening,” not only is reading comprehension enhanced but also listening comprehension skills are highlighted.
In the audio recording of the book, texts are vividly read by professional American actors. The texts are rewritten, according to the levels of the readers by an expert editorial staff of native speakers, on the basis of standard American English with the ministry of education recommended vocabulary. Therefore, it will be of great help even for all the students that want to learn English.

Chapter One Mary Lennox 瑪麗.藍諾斯
Chapter Two Way to the Secret Garden 秘密花園之路徑
Chapter Three The Little Craven, Colin 小克萊文,柯林
Chapter Four I'll Live Forever 我會一直活下去
Chapter Five It's Me, Father 是我,爸爸。


Frances Hodgson Burnett(法蘭西斯.霍森.伯內特)

法蘭西斯.霍森.伯內特(Frances Hodgson Burnett, 1849–1924)為美國作家,生於英國曼徹斯特。三歲時父親去世,舉家搬至美國。

伯內特為了靠寫作賺錢養家投稿了一篇故事,故事被採用後,她便全心地開始寫作生涯。1886年,她以次子為模型,出版《小公子》(The Little Lord Fauntleroy)。延續此書的成功,伯內特又寫了《莎拉.克璐》(Sara Crewe)(後改寫為《小公主》(A Little Princess),和聞名於世的《秘密花園》(Secret Garden)。


作 者: Frances Hodgson Burnett(法蘭西斯.霍森.伯內特)
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2014-07-07
ISBN : 9789863182528
書 號: C24172502
書 系: Let's Enjoy Masterpieces
裝 訂: 軟皮精裝,線膠裝
尺 寸: 25K (14.8*21cm)
條 碼: 9789863182528
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 144


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