Everyday Office English (Second Edition) (16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Michelle Witte
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-03-09
ISBN : 9789863189855
書 號: C4308-1624
書 系: 職場英語
試讀     試聽    
  • 定價: NT$ 580
    優惠價: NT$ 522


Everyday Office English專為科技大學、高職相關科系學生設計,能有效提升職場商務情境的英文溝通能力。


1. 關鍵單字:整理單元內必備單字用語,可由此概覽單元主題內容
2. 情境對話:示範國際職場商業情境中的溝通來往
3. 用法統整:補充在相似或相同情境下的其他對應語句,增進溝通能力,順暢無阻
4. 單元複習:含聽力測驗、單字測驗與句子填空題,方便檢驗學習成效


了解職務與公司 Learning About Your Job
辦公室內的溝通交流 Communication in the Office
使用辦公用具 Using Office Appliances
討論、開會與提案 Discussions, Meetings, and Proposals
外部關係維持 Outside Correspondences and Contacts
人事相關事務 Personnel Matters
社交與旅行 Socializing and Travel

基本商業信件格式 Basic Business Letter Format
撰寫商業電子郵件 Business E-mail Writing
撰寫商業備忘錄 Business Memo Writing
準備簡報 Presentations
安排會議 Meeting Arrangements
撰寫求職信 Cover Letter Writing
撰寫履歷 Résumé Writing
如何成功面試 How to Ace a Job Interview
撰寫接受工作機會信 Acceptance Letter Writing
撰寫婉拒工作機會信 Rejection Letter Writing

Everyday Office English is designed for students and professionals who need to polish their English communication skills in a business context.

The book is divided into six chapters and 36 units. Each unit contains four parts:
Key terms that allow you to gain an overview of the unit and memorize essential words for the context;
Dialogue sections that demonstrate successful communication in real-life international business scenarios;
Useful Expressions that equip you with more language to use in the same or similar scenarios, and help you interact more smoothly and confidently; and
Review Questions that are designed to go with listening comprehension tests, vocabulary tests, and fill-in-the-blanks tests.

MP3 audio recordings of the dialogues and useful expressions also serve as great tools to improve your listening and speaking skills. Have fun talking shop!

Everyday Office English includes topics such as:
Learning About Your Job
Communication in the Office
Using Office Appliances
Discussions, Meetings, and Proposals
Outside Correspondences and Contacts
Personnel Matters
Socializing and Travel

Basic Business Letter Format
Business E-mail Writing
Business Memo Writing
Meeting Arrangements
Cover Letter Writing
Résumé Writing
How to Ace a Job Interview
Acceptance Letter Writing
Rejection Letter Writing




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Chapter 1 Learning About Your Job
Unit 1 Arriving at a New Job
Unit 2 Welcoming and Introducing the Newcomer
Unit 3 Learning About Your Office
Unit 4 Asking/Answering Questions About Duties at Work

Chapter 2 Communication in the Office
Unit 5 Greetings and Small Talk in the Office
Unit 6 Telephoning
Unit 7 Taking a Day Off
Unit 8 E-mail Correspondence
Unit 9 Making Requests Related to Work and Asking for Permission

Chapter 3 Using Office Appliances
Unit 10 Using a Fax Machine
Unit 11 Using a Copy Machine
Unit 12 Basic Computer Functions
Unit 13 Networks Inside the Company and Using the Internet
Unit 14 Using Instant Messengers for Correspondence
Unit 15 Viruses and Troubleshooting

Chapter 4 Discussions, Meetings, and Proposals
Unit 16 Making Proposals
Unit 17 Conducting a Meeting
Unit 18 Discussing Marketing Strategies
Unit 19 Proposing a New Project
Unit 20 Presenting a New Product
Unit 21 Discussing Solutions to a Problem
Unit 22 Discussing a Mistake
Unit 23 Working Overtime

Chapter 5 Outside Correspondences and Contacts
Unit 24 Making Appointments With Customers
Unit 25 A Lunch Meeting With Customers
Unit 26 Promoting and Comparing Products
Unit 27 Price Negotiation With Customers
Unit 28 Accepting and Shipping Orders
Unit 29 Signing an Official Contract
Unit 30 Dealing With Customer Complaints

Chapter 6 Personnel Matters
Unit 31 Interviewing a Job Applicant
Unit 32 A Change in Personnel
Unit 33 Resignation

Chapter 7 Socializing and Travel
Unit 34 Arranging a Business Trip
Unit 35 Booking a Hotel Room
Unit 36 Confirming Flights and Booking Air Tickets

1 Basic Business Letter Format
2 Business E-mail Writing
3 Business Memo Writing
4 Presentations
5 Meeting Arrangements
6 Cover Letter Writing
7 Résumé Writing
8 How to Ace an Interview
9 Acceptance Letter Writing
10 Rejection Letter Writing



Michelle Witte


作 者: Michelle Witte
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2021-03-09
ISBN : 9789863189855
書 號: C4308-1624
書 系: 職場英語
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 16K (19*26cm)
條 碼: 9789863189855
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 216


寂天閱讀網 - 圖書目錄


  • 定價: NT$ 550
    優惠價: NT$ 495


  • 定價: NT$ 400
    優惠價: NT$ 360