
Global English Corners: Developing All Language Skills 3: Upper-intermediate (With iCosmos Audio APP )(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: Mika Igarashi / Hironobu Tanaka / Bill Benfield / Akira Morita
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2024-12-20
ISBN : 9786263002944
書 號: C6303-0818
書 系: Main Course 主教材
  • 定價: NT$ 650
    優惠價: NT$ 553











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Unlock Global Communication, One Video at a Time

Dive into a world of language learning with Global English Corners: Developing All Language Skills. This innovative video-based course is designed to equip learners of all levels with the essential skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Immersive Learning
Engage with authentic videos from diverse cultures, fostering cultural understanding and language fluency.

Practical Skills
Practice real-world language skills through interactive exercises and group activities.

Comprehensive Curriculum
Explore a wide range of topics, from everyday conversations to academic discussions.

Gradual Progression
Build your language proficiency step-by-step with a structured curriculum.

Expert Guidance
Benefit from clear explanations and expert guidance to master grammar and vocabulary.
Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate learner, this book provides the tools and resources you need to achieve your English language goals.

Each unit includes:

Unit Objectives
The main points of the unit, including the grammar rule and key expressions, are listed to help students understand what they are about to learn.

Warming Up
Each unit contains a few brainstorming questions related to the topic, allowing students to consider the subject matter and form their own opinions before delving deeper.

Readers watch a preview of the video first and take down some words they hear, improving their English listening skills and developing their ability to extract information.

This section aims to help readers memorize words better by pairing vocabulary items with their definitions.

Listening Comprehension
Through exercises like true or false questions, plot rearrangement, and identifying key elements, this section enhances listening comprehension and tests students' understanding of the video.

Sentences are played, and students fill in the blanks—
a comprehensive exercise that combines listening and writing.

Students watch part of the video again and use keywords to retell the clip to a partner, testing both understanding and narrative skills.

With the help of guided practice, students complete sentences and share their opinions with each other—an activity that integrates both writing and speaking.

This section explains hard-to-understand grammar concepts via clear illustrations and easy-to-follow exercises, making learning effortless.

Students read an article related to the unit topic. An audio version is also included so that students can further enhance their listening skills.

Vocabulary Check
A fill-in-the-blanks exercise using words from the reading, reinforcing word memory and correct usage.

Reading Comprehension
Several multiple-choice questions based on the article, which help students asses their in-depth understanding.

Students reorganize sentences and use key phrases to answer questions. Both short and long answer types are prompted, providing a thorough writing experience.

CEFR B1–B2/TOEIC 550–785/GEPT中高級 high intermediate

UNIT 1  The Social Media Challenge: Express Your Opinions on Social Media
UNIT 2  Wave Garden: Express Your Ideas on Sports and Tourism
UNIT 3  Speaking Through Poetry: Express Your Feelings and Emotions
UNIT 4  Cooking Korean: Express Your Ideas on Food and Cooking
UNIT 5  My Favorite Places: Express Your Own Preferences and Reasons
UNIT 6  British Sign Language: Express Your Ideas on Planning Events
UNIT 7  E-body: Describe How Technology Is Applied to Various Products or Services
UNIT 8  Swimming With Whales: Describe Your Ideas on Risk-Taking and Challenges
UNIT 9  How to Become a Standout Footballer: Describe Your Ideas on Cooperative Activities
UNIT 10  London Dreadlocks: Express Your Opinions on Your Identity
UNIT 11  Earthships: Express Your Opinions on Environmental Problems and Solutions
UNIT 12  Fill My Tank: Express Your Opinions on Clean Energy
UNIT 13  How to Make Money and Travel Full Time: Express Your Opinions on Your Future Job
UNIT 14  Keeping It Local: Express Your Opinions on Local Life and Local Revitalization
UNIT 15  The Mystery of the Axe: Express Your Opinions on Methods of Protecting Endangered Cultural Traditions


Mika Igarashi

青山學院大學 講師
Lecturer at Aoyama Gakuin University

Hironobu Tanaka

東京醫療保健大學 講師
Lecturer at Tokyo Healthcare University

Bill Benfield


Born and brought up in London, he moved to Japan after graduating from Worcester College, Oxford University, with a master’s degree in modern languages. In addition to working as a teacher both at universities and private language schools in Japan, he has written or co-authored more than 30 English instructional books for a wide variety of Japanese publishers. In addition, he has a long-standing association with Japan’s national broadcaster, NHK, where he has worked as a news rewriter and script editor for TV documentaries.

Akira Morita

早稻田大學教授,專長為英語教育、語言學和現代英語史。曾任劍橋大學彭布羅克學院和牛津大學赫特福德學院訪問研究員。他還為NHK、BBC、TellusVision和DLA(Digital Learning Associates)等機構撰寫了大量利用視覺媒體的英語教材和英語語言學教材。同時擔任BBC全球新聞日文版節目審查委員會委員。

Professor at Waseda University, specializing in English education, linguistics, and modern English history. He was a visiting research fellow at Pembroke College, Cambridge University, and Hertford College, Oxford University. He has also written numerous English textbooks utilizing visual media for organizations including NHK, BBC, TellusVision, and DLA (Digital Learning Associates), as well as textbooks on English linguistics. He serves as a member of the program review committee for the Japanese version of BBC Global News.

作 者: Mika Igarashi / Hironobu Tanaka / Bill Benfield / Akira Morita
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2024-12-20
ISBN : 9786263002944
書 號: C6303-0818
書 系: Main Course 主教材
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 菊8K (21.5*28.5 cm)
條 碼: 9786263002944
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 132


寂天閱讀網 - 圖書目錄


  • 定價: NT$ 280
    優惠價: NT$ 238