The Tempest: Timeless Shakespeare 6 (25K彩色+1MP3)

作 者: William Shakespeare(威廉莎士比亞 ) / Brady Timoney
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2016-09-28
ISBN : 9789863185048
書 號: C53252501
書 系: 彩圖莎士比亞故事集
版 權: Saddleback Educational, Inc
  • 定價: NT$ 220
    優惠價: NT$ 198
Timeless Shakespeare were expressly designed to help readers with limited reading ability gain access to some of the world’s greatest literature. This book series retains the essence and stylistic “flavor” of the original.

Prospero uses magic to raise a tempest at sea and wreck the ship of his enemies. What will he do when the survivors come ashore? Will he exact revenge? Or will he need all his magical powers to match his daughter with the love of her life?

“Hell is empty. All the devils are here!” (Act I, Scene II)

“We are such stuff as dreams are made of, and our little life is rounded off with a sleep.” (Act IV, Scene I)

“Oh, wonder! How many fine people there are here! How lovely mankind is! Oh, brave new world that has such people in it!” (Act V, Scene I)

● Background and Cast of Characters ● MP3 Audio Recording

Timeless Shakespeare Series:
1. Hamlet
2. Romeo and Juliet
3. Julius Caesar
4. Macbeth
5. King Lear
6. The Tempest
7. The Merchant of Venice
8. Othello
9. A Midsummer Night’s Dream
10. Twelfth Night


“Hell is empty. All the devils are here!”
地獄空了,所有的魔鬼都在這裡了!(Act I, Scene II)

“We are such stuff as dreams are made of, and our little life is rounded off with a sleep.”
我們都是夢裡的幻影,我們的渺小生命都將在睡眠中循環輪迴。(Act IV, Scene I)

“Oh, wonder! How many fine people there are here! How lovely mankind is! Oh, brave new world that has such people in it!”
啊,真是奇蹟!這麼多美善的人出現在我眼前!人類真是美麗!啊,這個美麗的新世界,有這樣的人兒住在這裡!(Act V, Scene I)


● 故事簡介和人物介紹 ● 中文翻譯 ● 全文朗讀MP3

12.《羅密歐與茱麗葉》Romeo and Juliet
13.《凱撒大帝》Julius Caesar
15.《李爾王》King Lear
16.《暴風雨》The Tempest
17.《威尼斯商人》The Merchant of Venice
19.《仲夏夜之夢》A Midsummer Night’s Dream
20.《第十二夜》Twelfth Night
Cast of Characters
Act 1 Scene 1 | Scene 2
Act 2 Scene 1 | Scene 2
Act 3 Scene 1 | Scene 2 | Scene 3
Act 4 Scene 1
Act 5 Scene 1
Literary Glossary


William Shakespeare(威廉莎士比亞 )

莎士比亞(William Shakespeare, 1564–1616)出生於英國的中產家庭,是世界上最偉大的劇作家。莎士比亞的童年因家境富裕而安逸舒適,然13歲時家道中落而未能念大學。18歲時,他與長他8歲的安.海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)結婚,育有三子。


莎士比亞著有37個劇本,作品廣泛分為四個時期:歷史劇時期、「歡樂」(joyous)喜劇時期、悲劇時期與悲劇浪漫喜劇時期。他著名的四大悲劇為《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)、《奧賽羅》(Othello)、《李爾王》(King Lear)與《馬克白》(Macbeth),寫於悲劇時期。莎劇中的十四行詩使他享有詩人之首的頭銜,以及史上最偉大劇作家的名聲。


作 者: William Shakespeare(威廉莎士比亞 ) / Brady Timoney
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2016-09-28
ISBN : 9789863185048
書 號: C53252501
書 系: 彩圖莎士比亞故事集
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 25K (14.8*21cm)
條 碼: 9789863185048
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 136
版 權: Saddleback Educational, Inc


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