Learn Smart! 狄克生片語這樣背(32K彩色+1MP3)

Learn Smart! Dixson’s Idioms (32K+1MP3)

作 者: Matt Coler
譯 者: 李盈瑩
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2020-01-10
ISBN : 9789863188810
書 號: C03403201
書 系: 英語詞彙
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
  • 定價: NT$ 300
    優惠價: NT$ 255






Unit 1 |The School Test 學校考試
Unit 2 |Shopping 逛街購物
Unit 3 |Going to a Party 參加派對
Unit 4 |The School Play 學校戲劇表演
Unit 5 |Schoolwork 學校作業
Unit 6 |Getting Sick and Stressed 生病與壓力
Unit 7 |Hunting for a New Job 找新工作
Unit 8 |Planning for the Weekend 週末計畫
Unit 9 |Writing a Children’s book 童書創作
Unit 10 |Choosing a Pet 挑選寵物
Unit 11 |Waiting for a Friend 等朋友
Unit 12 |The New Mobile Phone 新手機
Unit 13 |Walking Along the Beach 海邊散步
Unit 14 |Babysitting 照顧小孩
Unit 15 |School Life 學校生活
Unit 16 |The New Neighbor 新鄰居
Unit 17 |The Surprise Party 驚喜派對
Unit 18 |Finding a Lost Dog 尋狗啟示
Unit 19 |Applying to a University 申請大學
Unit 20 |Finding a Lost Cat 尋貓啟示
Unit 21 |Handing in a the Paper 交報告
Unit 22 |The New Teacher 交報告
Unit 23 |The Weekend Party 週末派對
Unit 24 |Schoolwork Problems 課業問題
Unit 25 |Cheating on a Test 考試作弊
Unit 26 |The New Coworker 新同事
Unit 27 |Falling Behind in Class 課業落後
Unit 28 |Breaking Up 分手
Unit 29 |Being a Designer 成為設計師
Unit 30 |The Ruined Cake 毀掉的蛋糕
Unit 31 |Moving Away From Home 離家
Unit 32 |Being Kicked Out of School 被退學
Unit 33 |Kicking the Habit 戒掉惡習
Unit 34 |Getting Married 結婚
Unit 35 |The Missing iPod 失竊的iPod
Unit 36 |Checking In 辦理住宿登記
Unit 37 |Showing Off 炫燿賣弄
Unit 38 |The First Week at College大學生活的第一個星期
Unit 39 |Getting Home Late 晚回家



Matt Coler

Matt Coler holds a Ph.D. in linguistics from the Free University of Amsterdam. While most of Matt's work involves the documentation of endangered languages, he's also interested in language acquisition and ESL. Matt currently resides in the Netherlands. 阿姆斯特丹自由大學(the Free University of Amsterdam)語言學博士。致力於瀕危語言(endangered languages)的研究,亦對語言習得(language acquisition)及第二語言教育(ESL)有深厚興趣。現定居於荷蘭(Netherlands)。



畢業於澳洲雪梨大學(University of Sydney),主修電影學和歷史,熱愛電影,愛狗成癡,曾任英文編輯。

作 者: Matt Coler
譯 者: 李盈瑩
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2020-01-10
ISBN : 9789863188810
書 號: C03403201
書 系: 英語詞彙
裝 訂: 平裝,膠裝
尺 寸: 32K (12.8 x 18.8cm)
條 碼: 9789863188810
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 240
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.


寂天閱讀網 - 圖書目錄
Real English for Nurses (With iCosmos APP)

Real English for Nurses (With iCosmos APP)

  • 定價: NT$ 480
    優惠價: NT$ 432