Go on a Trip! English for Traveling and Tourism(16K+1MP3)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)

作 者: P. Walsh / Brian Foden
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2018-11-19
ISBN : 9789863187455
書 號: C45151601
書 系: English for Tourism
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.
  • 定價: NT$ 520
    優惠價: NT$ 468





★Key Terms(常用字彙):每章列出主題相關的常用情境單字與片語,搭配實境彩色照片,圖解記憶幫助倍速學習。
★Conversations(實境會話):每章蒐集各類旅遊情境會話,介紹最新旅遊科技趨勢,例如網路訂機票火車票、Apple Pay行動支付餐飲、計程車App,幫助熟練最In最真實的旅遊會話;Alternative Expressions幫助讀者練習換句話說,Useful Patterns加強重點句型的練習,Try It對話配合題測驗讀者對會話的理解。每則對話就是最扎實的口說訓練。
★Useful Expressions(必備常用句):針對主題,編寫各種情境的必備常用句,從容應對各種旅遊情境。
★More Information With Colorful Illustrations(延伸辭彙+全彩插圖):

CEFR A2–B1/TOEIC 225–550/GEPT 初中級

Go on a Trip! English for Traveling and Tourism is a great learning material designed for students who are preparing to use English as tourists or in the tourism industry. The book contains 23 chapters on various topics including airports, hotels, transportation, shopping, food, and hospitals. These chapters include all possible types of conversations that readers may engage in while traveling. With this book, readers can and will enhance their travel-related English skills.

Key Features
Key Terms With Colorful Photos
A wide selection of essential words and phrases for traveling and tourism, accompanied by colorful photos to help learners understand and memorize them easily and effectively.

Conversations With Substitutions & Follow-Up Practice
Authentic conversations give learners great opportunities to simulate dialogues in various contexts. Substitutions for phrases, sentences, and words in conversations are provided for learners to practice alternative expressions. Follow-up practice encourages them to utilize target sentence patterns and enhance their understanding of conversations.

Useful Expressions
Plenty of handy sentences help learners cope with all possible situations. Once they pick up these sentences, they will travel with ease and confidence.

Focused, Comprehensive Exercises
Each chapter is followed by an exercise that provides comprehensive practice in listening, reading, and speaking. These exercises are good tools for readers to evaluate their own learning and pinpoint what they have to improve.

More Information With Colorful Illustrations
Additional related information is provided in certain chapters. Clear and colorful illustrations are great aids for learners to digest this extra information.

Chapter 1 At the Airport
Chapter 2 On an Airplane
Chapter 3 Arrival & Transit
Chapter 4 Money Exchange
Chapter 5 Taking a Taxi
Chapter 6 Traveling by Train
Chapter 7 Renting a Car
Chapter 8 Finding the Way
Chapter 9 At the Gas Station
Chapter 10 At the Hotel: Checking In
Chapter 11 At the Hotel Room
Chapter 12 In the Restaurant
Chapter 13 Fast Food
Chapter 14 Shopping Information
Chapter 15 Shopping for Clothes, Bags and Shoes
Chapter 16 Shopping for Jewelry and Watches
Chapter 17 Shopping for Cosmetics
Chapter 18 Shopping in the Supermarket
Chapter 19 Prices and Discounts
Chapter 20 Taking Pictures and Buying Cameras
Chapter 21 At the Post Office
Chapter 22 Making Telephone Calls
Chapter 23 At the Hospital


Brian Foden

來自加拿大溫哥華(Vancouver, Canada),身兼ESL(English as Second Language,英文為第二語言)作家、教師、配音員,以及報紙廣播記者等多重身份。於1999年定居台灣至今,曾在加拿大擔任報社記者,並任職於加拿大廣播公司(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,CBC)。2000年至2004年,於ICRT(台北國際社區廣播電台)擔任新聞編寫與播報工作。目前專職寫作英語學習書籍,並兼職成人英語教學。此外也是獨立配音員,在台灣已撰寫多本著作。

作 者: P. Walsh / Brian Foden
出版社: 寂天文化
出版日: 2018-11-19
ISBN : 9789863187455
書 號: C45151601
書 系: English for Tourism
裝 訂: 平裝
尺 寸: 16K (19*26cm)
條 碼: 9789863187455
印 刷: 彩色
頁 數: 264
版 權: Cosmos Culture Ltd.


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